Going LIVE 

Join our live Seminar, Fixing Misconceptions about Vatican II and the Contemporary Church.

You will learn how synodality, the role of the laity, and evangelization.


Watch Now: Three Threats to the Disabled—And What We Can Do About It


Word on Fire Institute members get exclusive access to Days 2 and 3 of the seminar. Sign up today for FREE, and we’ll also send you a FREE journal!

Day 1:
The New Eugenics and Our Obsession with Perfection

Live Q&A

Day 2:
Healthy Sexual Development for Young Adults with Intellectual Disabilities

Live Q&A

Day 3:
Disability and Mental Health: A Path To Healing

Live Q&A

Get a FREE copy of this fall’s Evangelization & Culture journal!

Watch Now: 
Three Threats to the Disabled—And What We Can Do About It


Word on Fire Institute members get exclusive access to Days 2 and 3 of the seminar. Sign up today for FREE, and we’ll also send you a FREE journal!

Day 1: The New Eugenics and Our Obsession with Perfection

Live Q&A

Day 2: Healthy Sexual Development for Young Adults with Intellectual Disabilities

Live Q&A

Day 3: Disability and Mental Health: A Path To Healing

Live Q&A

Get a FREE copy of this fall’s Evangelization & Culture journal!

About the Presenter

Matthew R. Petrusek, PhD is the Senior Director of the Word on Fire Institute and its Professor of Catholic Ethics. He has authored/edited several books, including Evangelization and Ideology: How to Understand and Respond to the Political Culture; Jordan Peterson, God, and Christianity: The Search for a Meaningful Life; Ethics and Advocacy: Bridges and Boundaries; and Value and Vulnerability: An Interfaith Dialogue on Human Dignity. Petrusek lectures broadly in both English and Spanish on moral philosophy/theology, politics, social issues, and the Catholic intellectual tradition.

What You Get Today

The monthly Word on Fire Institute seminars are an exclusive benefit for members of the Word on Fire Institute. Get started today and watch the rest of this seminar for FREE. You will also get access to the following during your 30-day free trial!


$27 / month 30-Day FREE Trial

Cancel anytime. No contracts.
You can keep the Evangelization & Culture journal and the Centered book even if you cancel.


What is the Word on Fire Institute?

Bishop Barron is on a mission to provide faithful, comprehensive, and interactive formation to every Catholic.

In just 6 short years, over 25,000 people from around the world have been trained by handpicked experts in the life of prayer, what the Church teaches, and, crucially, why those teachings are beautiful, good, and true.

The Word on Fire Institute is for you whether you are a cradle Catholic, recent convert, or even if you have no religion but are looking for more meaning and clearer answers in life.

Get access to 55+ courses, monthly live seminars, and a vibrant community today!


A Message from Dr. Matthew Petrusek, Senior Director of the Word on Fire Institute

What is the Word on Fire Institute?

Bishop Barron is on a mission to provide faithful, comprehensive, and interactive formation to every Catholic.

In just 6 short years, over 25,000 people from around the world have been trained by handpicked experts in the life of prayer, what the Church teaches, and, crucially, why those teachings are beautiful, good, and true.

The Word on Fire Institute is for you whether you are a cradle Catholic, recent convert, or even if you have no religion but are looking for more meaning and clearer answers in life.

Get access to 55+ courses, monthly live seminars, and a vibrant community today!


A Message from Dr. Matthew Petrusek, Senior Director of the Word on Fire Institute


Living in greater joy, peace, and freedom can only be done through a deeper encounter with our Lord Jesus Christ. Be trained in the life of prayer and participate in community groups that can help deepen your prayer life.


Bishop Barron has stated that the dumbing down of the faith has been a pastoral disaster. Learn from Bishop Barron and other handpicked experts in the comfort of your home on topics like theology, writing, faith and science, philosophy, and the Bible.


The Institute serves as a digital base for faithful Catholics and fellow seekers of the Lord. Participate in lively and respectful debates. Learn from others and share your own experiences. Make new friends. Join a diverse community united on a shared journey to pursue beauty, truth, and goodness.


We’ve all heard Bishop Barron’s unwavering call to Proclaim Christ in the Culture. But how do we do that amidst the busyness of our lives and within an apathetic and sometimes hostile society? Become confident in your ability to be a witness to Christ and learn how to feed souls hungry for beauty, peace, and purpose in a fallen world.


 We are building a digital city of God, a community of communities, a place to be Catholic with and for others.

Find your community here.

Word on Fire Institute Communities enable our members to learn directly from leading experts in apologetics, theology, writing, critical thinking, and faithful discipleship; sharpen their understanding of the truths of Catholicism by watching live presentations and participating in active conversations; and personally engage with fellow truth-seekers who are united by an abiding love for the Lord and a willingness to heed his command to evangelize the world.

Writing Community 

This community is intended to help you hone the craft of writing in a myriad of genres and also to engage in a meaningful way with other writers through constructive feedback. Led by Dr. Holly Ordway, the Cardinal Francis George Professor of Faith and Culture for the Word on Fire Institute.

Book Club

This community reads and discusses great works of literature and teaches members to critically engage with the written word in order to foster a love of learning. Led by Haley Stewart, Editor of Word on Fire Votive.

Theology for Evangelists

This community seeks to provide its members with foundational theological knowledge for the sake of expanding their evangelical tool boxes. Led by Dr. Richard DeClue, SThD, Professor of Theology for Word on Fire.

Course Community

This community offers its members a weekly walk-through lesson-by-lesson of the latest course in the Institute. It’s a vibrant place to continue learning together. Led by Vanessa Lopez, who holds a master’s degree in English and a master’s degree in biblical studies and theology.

Evangelization & Culture Community

This community, connected with the Evangelization & Culture podcast and journal, is for intellectual discussions and in-depth analysis of cultural topics relevant to us as Catholics today. Led by Dr. Tod Worner, MD, Managing Editor of the Evangelization & Culture journal and Host of the Evangelization & Culture Podcast.

Women’s Formation Community

This is a community to strengthen women in the knowledge that their lives are critically important to the flourishing of the Church and the world, and to embrace with deeper confidence the particular gifts that have been entrusted to them.
Led by Liz Kelly, author and retreat director who holds an MFA in creative writing and a master’s degree in Catholic Studies.

Art for Evangelists

This community is for artists and artisans that want to place their craft at the service of Beauty, Truth, and the Good, and would like to connect in a spirit of mutual support and encouragement with others. Led by Silvina Sironi, veteran homeschool mom and an artist of many media, but mostly a carver of icons.

Catholic Education Community

This community is for primary and secondary Catholic educators and administrators, homeschool parents, and parents of students with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). Led by Dr. Melissa Mitchell, who holds a doctorate in Curriculum and Instruction from The George Washington University.

Spanish Community

This community provides a place online to deepen in the Catholic faith for Spanish-speakers from all over the world. Led by Fr. Ignacio Amorós Rodríguez-Fraile, a priest of the diocese of Maldonado-Punta del Este-Minas (Uruguay), rector of the Divine Mercy Shrine of Maldonado-Punta del Este, and university professor.

Word on Fire UK

This community serves as a platform for UK members of the Word on Fire Institute to engage with one another in order to learn the faith and to meet for development, discussion, and discipleship. Led by Brenden Thompson, Word on Fire UK Program Director.

Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

This community offers the Catholic approach to disability: recognizing the inherent dignity of each human person. Members will experience support and education as they advocate together for greater respect for human dignity. Led by Mark Bradford, Fellow for Persons with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities at the Word on Fire Institute.

Apologetics for Evangelists

This community exists to help members answer questions that they may have and to help them to answer the questions others may have about the Catholic faith. Led by Dr. Chris Kaczor, Honorary Professor for the Renewal of Catholic Intellectual Life at the Word on Fire Institute.

Redemption Community

This community fosters deep and abiding fraternity among men and offers members the opportunity to work through brokenness and destructive habits with confidence in the saving mercy of Jesus Christ.

Master of Arts Community

This community serves as a meeting hub for the students enrolled in the Word on Fire Masters of Arts in Evangelization & Culture program. Led by Thomas Harmon, PhD, Scanlan Endowed Chair at University of St. Thomas in Houston, Director of MA in Evangelization and Culture for Word on Fire Masters Program.

Faith & Science

One of the top reasons people leave the Church is the false notion that faith and science are at odds. It’s time to put that myth to rest once and for all. Learn how faith and science not only do not conflict with each other but, in fact, are mutually complementary and illuminating.


Justice & Virtue

What does it mean to be a good person and to treat others justly? Secular culture fails to provide an adequate answer to these questions–with disastrous consequences for social stability and individual happiness. Learn how the Church not only cares about justice, including social justice, and good character, but also provides a better moral and political alternative to the reigning ideologies of our day.


Popular Culture

Popular culture is important to the Church precisely because it’s where the people are, especially the young. Learn how to identify and make good use of the “seeds of the Word” in entertainment, politics, and even stand-up comedy to evangelize the culture.


Prayer &

There is no greater evangelical power in the world than the saints, those who embody the Good News in their very lives–and all of us are called to become saints. Learn how to deepen your prayer life and conform yourself, by the grace of God, ever more perfectly to Christ's will.



The largest Catholic
Community online.


Nine course categories to deepen your faith and sharpen your mind.

What you’ll be receiving today, plus what you’ll continue to receive each month, are time-tested principles to live your life by and to share with others; principles grounded in the beautiful, the good, and the true; principles Bishop Barron wants to share with all Catholics and people of good will. Over 55+ courses from handpicked experts are organized into 9 categories. Start where you want and learn at your own pace in the comfort of your own home or on the go with our free downloadable app.

Bishop Barron

Learn from Word on Fire Founder, Bishop Robert Barron, through a series of lectures on a variety of topics. These courses provide in-depth analysis and discussion on an array of Catholic faith topics. His passion for shaping evangelists and educating the faithful is evident.


You will lay a solid foundation with the 8 principles of Word on Fire and learn how to apply them to your daily life. Then journey through the fundamentals of Catholicism—all with the goal of becoming a better evangelist.


Being an effective evangelist requires having a full toolbox to engage a diverse and multifaceted secular culture. Learn practical tips to adapt your evangelical strategy to different audiences, including the indifferent, the open-minded, and those who claim to have no religion.

The Bible

The Bible seems incomprehensibly mysterious and confusing to many people. For example, should we read it literally? Is it, as some critics claim, irrational, immoral, and anti-science? This track will give you the tools you need to understand the meaning of the Old and New Testaments and how the Bible, rightly interpreted, can be the Church’s greatest evangelical tool.

The Church

What does the Church actually teach about some foundational tenets of the faith? These courses provide phenomenal teaching and food for thought to help you grow deeper in your Catholic faith.


One of the top reasons people leave the Church is the false notion that faith and science are at odds. It’s time to put that myth to rest once and for all. Learn how faith and science not only do not conflict with each other but, in fact, are mutually complementary and illuminating.

Philosophy & Theology

Philosophy is essential to making a robust defense of the faith and explaining why it is true, good, and beautiful. Equip yourself with the best answers to the toughest questions. Theology is the study of God and his work in the world. The more we understand God and his purposes in and through his Church, the better we can love and serve him. This array of courses provides a deeper understanding of both philosophy and theology.

Art & Literature

One of Word on Fire’s founding principles is to “lead with beauty.” A jaded culture frequently balks at “truth claims” and is highly skeptical of “morality.” Beauty, however, retains the power to break through the cynicism, leading, eventually, to the true and the good. Learn how the Church’s expansive repository of art, literature, music, architecture, and more can still stir the secular soul.


Los cursos que ofrecemos se imparten en español, brindando formación y educación profunda para los miembros del Insituto. Estos cursos no son traducciones, sino que se preparan y se imparten en español para que tanto los hablantes nativos como aquellos familiarizados con el idioma crezcan en confianza y habilidad para poder evangelizar Cristo en la cultura.


“It has fostered a hunger in me to know God more deeply and to love Him more profoundly.”



“My faith has deepened and allowed me to share the beauty of our Church in ways I never expected.” 



“The courses are one of my favorite resources at the Institute. Some people listen to television or the radio while working around home. I listen to Word on Fire courses.”



“I have journeyed alongside fellow sinners striving to be saints who encourage, challenge, and teach by word and example how to love God, love others, and go forth to share the Good News.”



“I particularly work with children, and I find I can express much more skillfully theological concepts to them in ways that are true to the faith but accessible.”




“My faith has deepened and allowed me to share the beauty of our Church in ways I never expected.” 



“The courses are one of my favorite resources at the Institute. Some people listen to television or the radio while working around home. I listen to Word on Fire courses.”



“I have journeyed alongside fellow sinners striving to be saints who encourage, challenge, and teach by word and example how to love God, love others, and go forth to share the Good News.”



“I particularly work with children, and I find I can express much more skillfully theological concepts to them in ways that are true to the faith but accessible.”



Get a physical copy of Evangelization & Culture four times a year.

Bishop Barron has set out to create a beautiful and intellectually stimulating quarterly journal that gives Catholics and seekers alike a smart and practical reflection of the Word on Fire ethos. This award-winning publication covers topics such as creativity, economics, cinema, Scripture, humor, freedom, the Eucharist, joy, and much more. We’ll send you the latest edition when you sign up today, and you’ll also get online access to all past issues!


Word on Fire Digital

You will also get access to ALL of Bishop Barron’s past films along with downloadable and printable PDF study materials, which are perfect for in-person small group studies!


Word on Fire Digital

You will also get access to ALL of Bishop Barron’s past films along with downloadable and printable PDF study materials which are perfect for in-person small group studies!


“One of the best things I’ve done is become a member of the Word on Fire Institute which has enriched my life in every way.”


“I was an under-catechized ‘none’ who rediscovered faith through the Word on Fire podcast and books. Once I realized how little I had learned growing up, I wanted to go deeper to understand my faith and the Church. Since joining the Word on Fire Institute, I have grown in leaps and bounds. The Word on Fire Institute has quality content for education in the faith, which is exactly what I was seeking.”


“If you want to grow and share your faith and join a vibrant community, the Word on Fire Institute is a perfect fit.”





The Word on Fire Institute is FOR YOU if you are a cradle Catholic, recent convert, college-aged Catholic, young-mom-or-dad-with-a-busy-schedule Catholic . . . or if you LOVE Jesus and are seeking to commit to him in a deeper way. All those from other or no faith traditions who are looking for deeper meaning and clearer answers are also welcome.

Bishop Barron has said, “We are in unprecedented times and are in great need of a surge of holy men and women who can proclaim Christ as Lord within the culture.”He wants to transform the culture, starting right now. But this can only begin with personal formation of yourself. The Word on Fire Institute provides the tools you need to have a devoted prayer life and understand the faith in an accessible way that is rooted in the tradition. Using these tools, you will have the confidence to be a witness to your faith in your everyday life. Being an evangelist isn’t necessarily being a missionary off in a foreign land. To be an evangelist is simply to be a Christian, and living a Christian life.

Yes! Bishop Barron has set out to create the most beautiful and intellectually stimulating publication to give Catholics and seekers alike a smart and practical journal that is reflective of the Word on Fire ethos.Leading with Beauty is one of the founding principles of Word on Fire. In a world that balks at objective truth and inherent goodness, the beautiful can act as a non-judgmental playing field in which we can begin a discussion.That is why we have created Evangelization & Culture, the Journal of the Word on Fire Institute.Each issue includes over 100 pages, with articles from a wide range of people, including articles from Bishop Barron, interviews with current Word on Fire Institute members, and content from some of the greatest minds today.This journal is gorgeously designed with full-color imagery throughout. The perfect magazine-like book to keep on your coffee table to share with guests!

No worries! About 15% of the Institute is outside the USA . . . and that number is quickly growing!And the best part is, no additional shipping costs are required! You still get Evangelization & Culture and the free copy of Centered: The Spirituality of Word on Fire shipped to you for free when you sign up today.

This is highly unlikely. With that said, if our communities, courses, videos, and print journal are not for you, then you can cancel anytime. Even if you cancel your subscription, you can keep your copy of Evangelization & Culture and Centered: The Spirituality of Word on Fire.

When you sign up today, you will get immediate access to over 55 courses and films organized into 9 course categories, appropriate formation for anyone, no matter where you are in your journey. You will also get access to the monthly live seminars with Q&As on pressing topics in the culture. We will send you a physical copy of Evangelization & Culture 4 times every year and you will have digital access to all past issues.You can start connecting with 25,000+ others in the brand-new interactive online communities. Watch all of Bishop Barron’s feature-length films and study programs. Access all the above on your computer or the iOS and Android Apps. Finally, you’ll get a hardcover copy of Centered: The Spirituality of Word on Fire ($24.95 value. We’ll even cover the shipping!). You can get a 30 day FREE trial to all the above. As soon as your 30 days are up, your subscription will auto-renew each month at $27/month. Your membership goes directly back to support initiatives at Word on Fire.

Yes. For sure! We’ve received countless stories of people who have come into the faith from all of the free Word on Fire content from Bishop Barron online. And that’s part of our strategy! To proclaim Christ in the culture is to create things that are good, true, and beautiful.However, Bishop Barron wants to continue to form others in the Word on Fire ethos and the 8 Principles of the Word on Fire movement. The Word on Fire Institute kicks it up a notch, and Bishop Barron is seeking Catholics who want more direct formation so as to live out their faith in a serious way.

Simply email or call us at 866-928-1237 and we’ll be happy to help.


Going LIVE 

Join our live Seminar, How to Evangelize in a Hyper-Political Culture.  

You will learn how political discourse can actually be a tool for evangelization.


Do you understand how Vatican II shaped the contemporary Church?

You're Invited: A Deep Dive into Vatican II and the Contemporary Church

November 7 - 9  |  7 p.m. CST 


With Richard G. DeClue, Jr., S.Th.D.

  • Learn about the nature, mission, and structure of the Church
  • ​Learn about the role of the laity in carrying out Christ's mission of teaching, sanctifying, and governing
  • ​Learn how Vatican II responds to the question: Is seeking to convert people to the Church compatible with ecumenism and interreligious dialogue?

Three sessions with live interaction

The Church as Communal and Hierarchical

You will learn about the Church's communal nature and hierarchical constitution.


The Role of the Laity

Learn how clergy and laity are both called to share in Christ's mission to teach, to sanctify, and to govern.


Ecumenism, Interreligious Dialogue, and Evangelization

You will learn how Vatican II’s teaching on ecumenism and interreligious dialogue relate to–rather than negate–its teaching on the Church's missionary activity.


What are Seminars?

Seminars are an exciting new monthly offering exclusive to members of the Word on Fire Institute. These live events feature the fellows and professors of Word on Fire, who bring their expertise to a diverse range of topics. Each seminar spans three days, culminating in a live Q&A forum on the third day, where you can interact directly with the hosts.

Our lineup of hosts varies each month, ensuring a fresh perspective and expertise on subjects such as politics, writing, prayer, and much more. The primary aim of these seminars is to provide you with practical information that you can immediately apply to your everyday life. Whether you're seeking to enhance your understanding of critical issues, improve your writing skills, or deepen your spiritual practice, Word on Fire Seminars are designed to empower you with knowledge and insights that matter. Join us each month as we embark on the journey of learning together.

What You Get Today

The Monthly Word on Fire Institute Seminars are an exclusive benefit for members of the Word on Fire Institute. Get started today and partake in this seminar for FREE. You will also get access to the following during your 30 day free trial!


$27 / month 30-Day FREE Trial

Cancel anytime. No contracts.
You can keep the Centered book and Evangelization & Culture journal even if you cancel.


Pray. Learn. Evangelize. 

Join over 23,000 Catholics inside Bishop Barron's Word on Fire Institute.

What is the Word on Fire Institute?

Bishop Barron is on a mission to provide faithful, comprehensive, and interactive formation to every Catholic.

In just 5 short years, over 23,000 people from around the world have been trained by handpicked experts in the life of prayer, what the Church teaches, and, crucially, why those teachings are beautiful, good, and true.

The Word on Fire Institute is for you whether you are a cradle Catholic, recent convert, or even if you have no religion but are looking for more meaning and clearer answers in life.

Get access to 34+ courses, monthly live seminars, and a vibrant community today!


A Message from Dr. Matthew Petrusek, Senior Director of the Word on Fire Institute

What is the Word on Fire Institute?

Bishop Barron is on a mission to provide faithful, comprehensive, and interactive formation to every Catholic.

In just 5 short years, over 23,000 people from around the world have been trained by handpicked experts in the life of prayer, what the Church teaches, and, crucially, why those teachings are beautiful, good, and true.

The Word on Fire Institute is for you whether you are a cradle Catholic, recent convert, or even if you have no religion but are looking for more meaning and clearer answers in life.

Get access to 34+ courses, monthly live seminars, and a vibrant community today!


A Message from Dr. Matthew Petrusek, Senior Director of the Word on Fire Institute


Living in greater joy, peace, and freedom can only be done through a deeper encounter with our Lord Jesus Christ. Be trained in the life of prayer and participate in community groups that can help deepen your prayer life.


Bishop Barron has stated that the dumbing down of the faith has created a pastoral disaster. Learn from Bishop Barron and other handpicked experts in the comfort of your home on topics like Theology, Writing, Faith and Science, Philosophy, and the Bible.


We've all heard Bishop's unwavering call to Proclaim Christ in the Culture. But how do we do that amidst the busyness of our lives and within an apathetic and sometimes hostile society? Become confident in your ability to be a witness to Christ and learn how to feed souls hungry for beauty, peace, and purpose in a fallen world.

The largest Catholic
Community online.


Ten course tracks to deepen your faith and sharpen your mind.

What you'll be receiving today, plus what you'll continue to receive each month, are time-tested principles to live your life by and to share with others; principles grounded in the beautiful, the good, and the true–principles Bishop Barron wants to share with all Catholics and people of good will. Over 34+ courses from handpicked experts are organized into 10 tracks. Start where you want and learn at your own pace in the comfort of your own home or on the go with our free downloadable app.

Where to Begin

You will lay a solid foundation with the eight principles of Word on Fire and learn how to apply them to your daily life. Then journey through the fundamentals of Catholicism–all with the goal of becoming a better evangelist.


Philosophy &

The days of comfortable Catholicism are over. We need a new intellectual seriousness to reach the hearts and minds inhabiting secular culture. Philosophy is essential to making a robust defense of the faith and explaining why it is true, good, and beautiful. Equip yourself with the best answers to the toughest questions.


The Arts

One of Word on Fire's founding principles is to “lead with beauty.” A jaded culture frequently balks at “truth claims” and is highly skeptical of “morality.” Beauty, however, retains the power to break through the cynicism, leading, eventually, to the true and the good. Learn how the Church’s expansive repository of art, literature, music, architecture, and more can still stir the secular soul.



Being an effective evangelist requires having a full toolbox to engage a diverse and multifaceted secular culture. Learn practical tips to adapt your evangelical strategy to different audiences, including the indifferent, the open-minded, and those who claim to have no religion.



Theology is the study of God and his work in the world. The more we understand God and his purposes in and through his Church, the better we can love and serve him. Learn the full richness of the Church's teaching and practices, including the Mass, the Sacraments, the Creed, and much more.


Biblical Studies

The Bible seems incomprehensibly mysterious and confusing to many people. For example, should we read it literally? Is it, as some critics claim, irrational, immoral, and anti-science? This track will give you the tools you need to understand the meaning of the Old and New Testaments and how the Bible, rightly interpreted, can be the Church's greatest evangelical tool.


Faith & Science

One of the top reasons people leave the Church is the false notion that faith and science are at odds. It’s time to put that myth to rest once and for all. Learn how faith and science not only do not conflict with each other, but, in fact, are mutually complementary and illuminating.


Justice & Virtue

What does it mean to be a good person and to treat others justly? Secular culture fails to provide an adequate answer to these questions–with disastrous consequences for social stability and individual happiness. Learn how the Church not only cares about justice, including social justice, and good character, but also provides a better moral and political alternative to the reigning ideologies of our day.


Popular Culture

Popular culture is important to the Church precisely because it’s where the people are, especially the young. Learn how to identify and make good use of the “seeds of the Word” in entertainment, politics, and even stand-up comedy to evangelize the culture.


Prayer &

There is no greater evangelical power in the world than the saints, those who embody the Good News in their very lives–and all of us are called to become saints. Learn how to deepen your prayer life and conform yourself, by the grace of God, ever more perfectly to Christ's will.


“It has fostered a hunger in me to know God more deeply and to love Him more profoundly.”



“My faith has deepened and allowed me to share the beauty of our Church in ways I never expected.” 



“The courses are one of my favorite resources at the Institute. Some people listen to television or the radio while working around home. I listen to Word on Fire courses.”



“I particularly work with children, and I find I can express much more skillfully theological concepts to them in ways that are true to the faith but accessible.”



“My faith has deepened and allowed me to share the beauty of our Church in ways I never expected.” 



“The courses are one of my favorite resources at the Institute. Some people listen to television or the radio while working around home. I listen to Word on Fire courses.”



“I particularly work with children, and I find I can express much more skillfully theological concepts to them in ways that are true to the faith but accessible.”


Get a physical copy of Evangelization & Culture four times a year.

Bishop Barron has set out to create a beautiful and intellectually stimulating quarterly journal that gives Catholics and seekers alike a smart and practical reflection of the Word on Fire ethos. This award-winning publication covers topics such as Creativity, Economics, Cinema, Scripture, Humor, Freedom, The Eucharist, Joy, and much more. We'll send you the latest edition when you sign up today, and you'll also get online access to all 17+ past issues!


Word on Fire Digital

You will also get access to ALL of Bishop Barron's past films along with downloadable and printable PDF study materials which are perfect for in person small group studies!

Word on Fire Digital

You will also get access to ALL of Bishop Barron's past films along with downloadable and printable PDF study materials which are perfect for in person small group studies!

“One of the best things I've done is become a member of the Word on Fire Institute which has enriched my life in every way.”


“I was an under-catechized ‘none’ who rediscovered faith through the Word on Fire podcast and books. Once I realized how little I had learned growing up, I wanted to go deeper to understand my faith and the Church. Since joining the Word on Fire Institute, I have grown in leaps and bounds. . The Word on Fire Institute has quality content for education in the faith, which is exactly what I was seeking.”


“If you want to grow and share your faith and join a vibrant community, the Word on Fire Institute is a perfect fit.”




The Word on Fire Institute is FOR YOU if you are a cradle Catholic, recent convert, college-aged Catholic, young-mom-or-dad-with-a-busy-schedule Catholic . . . or if you LOVE Jesus and are seeking to commit to him in a deeper way. All those from other or no faith traditions who are looking for deeper meaning and clearer answers are also welcome.

Bishop Barron has said, “We are in unprecedented times and are in great need of a surge of holy men and women who can proclaim Christ as Lord within the culture.”He wants to transform the culture, starting right now. But this can only begin with personal formation of yourself. The Word on Fire Institute provides the tools you need to have a devoted prayer life and understand the faith in an accessible way that is rooted in the tradition. Using these tools, you will have the confidence to be a witness to your faith in your everyday life. Being an evangelist isn’t necessarily being a missionary off in a foreign land. To be an evangelist is simply to be a Christian, and living a Christian life.

Yes! Bishop Barron has set out to create the most beautiful and intellectually stimulating publication to give Catholics and seekers alike a smart and practical journal that is reflective of the Word on Fire ethos.Leading with Beauty is one of the founding principles of Word on Fire. In a world that balks at objective truth and inherent goodness, the beautiful can act as a non-judgmental playing field in which we can begin a discussion.That is why we have created Evangelization & Culture, the Journal of the Word on Fire Institute.Each issue includes over 100 pages, with articles from a wide range of people, including articles from Bishop Barron, interviews with current Word on Fire Institute members, and content from some of the greatest minds today, such as the renowned philosopher Peter Kreeft and St. John Paul II’s friend and biographer George Weigel.This journal is gorgeously designed with full-color imagery throughout. The perfect magazine-like book to keep on your coffee table to share with guests!

No worries! About 15% of the Institute is outside the USA . . . and that number is quickly growing!And the best part is, no additional shipping costs are required! You still get Evangelization & Culture and the free copy of Centered: The Spirituality of Word on Fire shipped to you for free when you sign up today.

This is highly unlikely. With that said, if our communities, courses, videos, and print journal are not for you, then you can cancel anytime. Even if you cancel your subscription, you can keep your copy of Evangelization & Culture and Centered: The Spirituality of Word on Fire.

When you sign up today, you will get immediate access to over 34 courses organized into 10 course tracks, appropriate formation for anyone, no matter where you are in your journey. You will also get access to the monthly live seminars with Q&As on pressing topics in the culture. We will send you a physical copy of Evangelization & Culture 4 times every year and you will have digital access to all past 16+ issues.You can start connecting with 23,000+ others in the brand-new interactive online communities. Watch all of Bishop Barron's feature-length films and study programs. Access all the above on your computer or the iOS and Android Apps.Finally, you’ll get a hardcover copy of Centered: The Spirituality of Word on Fire ($24.95 value. We'll even cover the shipping!)To celebrate the 5-year anniversary of the Word on Fire Institute, you will get a 30 day FREE trial to all the above. As soon as your 30 days are up, your subscription will auto-renew each month at $27/month. Your membership goes directly back to support initiatives at Word on Fire.

Yes. For sure! We’ve received countless stories of people who have come into the faith from all of the free Word on Fire content from Bishop Barron online. And that’s part of our strategy! To proclaim Christ in the Culture is to create things that are good, true, and beautiful.However, Bishop Barron wants to continue to form others in the Word on Fire ethos and the 8 Principles of the Word on Fire movement. The Word on Fire Institute kicks it up a notch, and Bishop Barron is seeking Catholics who want more direct formation so as to live out their faith in a serious way.

Simply email or call us at 866-928-1237 and we'll be happy to help.

Word on Fire Catholic Ministries is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit ministry.
Word on Fire Catholic Ministries is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit ministry.
Word on Fire Catholic Ministries is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit ministry.