Do you feel equipped to share the truth in today’s polarized culture?

Do you feel equipped to share the truth in today’s polarized culture?

Get Access to Session 1 of How to Evangelize in a Hyper-Political Culture and learn:

  • How should we engage in constructive debates in a deeply polarized culture?
  • ​Aren’t we supposed to refrain from speaking about politics and religion in polite company?
  • ​Why might it be good to engage in political discussions?
  • ​Does Jesus encourage us to engage in the political realm?

“I especially liked the seminar presented recently on How to Evangelize in a Hyper-Political Culture, and I gave a talk based on this seminar to my local Knights of Columbus council, which was well received. Every seminar I take from the Word on Fire Institute helps grow my faith in the sense that it reinforces my conviction that we were put on this earth to come to know, love, and serve God, and one of the best ways of serving Him is to try to bring the Gospel message of salvation to others.”


Get Access to . . .

Does the Church Oppose Science?
Part 1

Is something true only if it can be proven by science?

How does the Church interpret Genesis and creation?

How have Catholics contributed to scientific discoveries?


Does the Church Oppose Science? Part 2

Are miracles scientifically verifiable?

Does the Galileo Affair show that the Church opposes science?

Why does the Church oppose human embryonic stem cell research? 


Does the Church Oppose Happiness?

Is faith simply a promise of heavenly happiness as a substitute for earthly happiness?

How can gratitude and forgiveness make you happy?

How does the Mass contribute to human happiness?


Does the Church Hate Women?

What does the Bible reveal about the dignity of women? 

Can women be priests or leaders in the Church?

Is the Church a misogynistic institution?​


Why does the Church Oppose Contraception?

What is Pope John Paul II’s Theology of the Body?

How does contraception affect human sexuality and procreation?

What is the role of chastity in human flourishing?


Does the Church Hate Gay People?

What does the Church think about homosexuality?

Will the Church ever support gay marriage?

How does the HIV and AIDS crisis play a role in this conversation?


Does Priestly Celibacy Cause Sexual Abuse?

Why are priests forced to be celibate?

Why stay in or join the Church amidst The Sexual Abuse Crisis?

Are our children safe in the Church?


Meet Your Host

Matthew R. Petrusek, PhD is the Senior Director of the Word on Fire Institute and its Professor of Catholic Ethics. He has authored/edited several books, including Evangelization and Ideology: How to Understand and Respond to the Political Culture; Jordan Peterson, God, and Christianity, The Search for a Meaningful Life; Ethics and Advocacy: Bridges and Boundaries; and Value and Vulnerability: An Interfaith Dialogue on Human Dignity. Petrusek lectures broadly in both English and Spanish on moral philosophy/theology, politics, social issues, and the Catholic intellectual tradition.

Word on Fire Catholic Ministries is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit ministry.
Word on Fire Catholic Ministries is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit ministry.
Word on Fire Catholic Ministries is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit ministry.